About me…

Hi there, I am Elaira

I am paradigm shifter, rebel, visionary, seer with extrasensory abilities, psychologist, healer of old & architect of new business approach, trauma informed somatic & nervous system mentor, capacity based business growth creator and pioneer of the soft power & gentle leadership movement.

I’m obsessed about self-tenderness, hands-on embodiment of our multidimensional nature, and exploring how we can support our bodies in feeling safe to ground this experience. I’m devoted to preserving our innocence, purity, caring hearts, and wonder.

My life’s work focuses on grounding our innate goodness and potential through business—and even more importantly, learning to do so with ease, natural flow, deeper intimacy and life’s delightful joys.

I believe in a new business paradigm where your actions stem from your WAY OF BEING and your heart’s capacity to remain soft and open-hearted, even during personal adversity, societal upheaval or systems collapse. I see business as a powerful vehicle for activism, shaping the structures and frameworks of our future world, societies, and ways of relating, exchanging, & expressing ourselves. That’s why I’m committed to supporting conscious entrepreneurs to step into their authentic business path because entrepreneurship journey is one of the biggest self leadership initiations there is.

And most importantly, gentle and ambitious, sensitive and resilient, creative & rich souls people to step into their power, their creative expression, their divinity, and allow the wilderness of their heart! That’s at the core of it all, that’s the biggest job we all have in era of self liberation from oppression and slavery systems.

My work is here to be a soft room & shaking perspective for you to go into your own depth & transform your relationship with yourself, your business, your gifts, your heart & your dreams. That’s at the core of it all, that’s the biggest job we all have in era of self liberation from oppression and slavery systems.

In this vibrant season of my life, I stand boldly, beckoning new earth leaders and visionary entrepreneurs with boundless potential, big hearts and grand dreams. I invite to revolutionize the outlook on life, business, and the art of thriving in multidimensional embodiment because nothing sets my body aglow quite like being the cosmic cheerleader to those souls on this journey!

A little bit about my past career journey and how it built me.

I knew human potential, psychology and business were “my kind of jam” from the early age. I was aware of my mission here and was very consistent throughout life in building it.


I pursued a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a Master’s degree in Organizational Psychology / Human Resources.

I became awarded HR executive with more than a decade’s experience building and running various size and sector businesses, working with leadership and senior management teams at the various headquarters of global and international companies. I worked with a lot of different cultures worldwide.

Being a lot in the heart of operational and strategic positions, I realized that The Old Business Paradigm and a lot of principles of how we do business are meant to collapse sooner or later. Simply, because it is often built from a place of manipulation, the dis-ease, “not good enough”, abuse, unhealthy hierarchy, lack of care & understanding, dysregulated & traumatised nervous systems, “one size fits all” energy, and other similar destructive patterns.

Working a lot with talent development and career mentoring programs, I realized that a lot of it was structured in a way to shape you more in a manipulative box called “how to climb career ladders” instead of genuine “what do you really need to shine & how can you really express your individualised way of potential”.

This experience and pathway deeply influenced and set the tone for the soft power movement & capacity based business growth work!

In 2018 I opened “Elaira Flow” company and started my own entrepreneurship awakening movement.

Elaira Flow

I believe business doesn’t have to be a struggle or involve draining hard work, manipulation of yourself or others, or extraction from your essence. You don’t have to become someone you’re not.

Actually quite the opposite – entrepreneurship can be soul awakening path enabling more of YOU and amazing access of home coming to yourself. But it requires to enter business from a totally different access and way of BEING rather then way of DOING.

As Human Resources executive and member of board, I’ve been sitting at the tables of management, near management with management for more then a decade. Higher I climbed my career ladders, bigger responsibilities I was trusted with, more I was told to “toughen up”, “be hard”, “be assertive”, “show as if I know what I am doing even if I wasn’t”, “don’t take it personal” and also “not to reveal my vulnerability & emotions”.

The further I advanced in leadership roles, the more I realized that talent development was moving away from connecting with my truth, my true untapped potential, and my heart disconnecting me even more from myself and what reality actually was. Instead, it was shifting towards how to fit into the required roles and leadership rooms to earn the seat at the table.

As a result, I had to work harder to go against my sensitive nature and where my body was actually leading me. And I burned out, I lost myself, my power, and my joy of life. I left the business world very confused…

Why do we normalize and glorify controlling, self-protective, and pretentious leadership? Why must one wear “the power suit” to be seen as a leader? Why does increasing your impact and leadership necessitate hardening your heart?

Maintaining guards and defences requires a tremendous amount of energy, which deprives you massively from your powerful creative energy free flow.

I realized, my path is to heal business paradigm & help people shift into new way of being in the world. 

and also role model how many more ways of relating, creating and expressing there is.

My Human Design

I am 6/2 Manifesting Generator.

My life path according Human Design is healer with love! (Left angle cross of healing).

My life path & purpose according Human Design

“Your purpose in life is to bring healing to the world. Whether you are conscious of this effect, you bring a healing energy to others everywhere you go through your deep love and compassion. Sometimes simply walking through a room can trigger healing in those people around you. In this regard, you must take responsibility for your own well-being; otherwise, you will become overloaded by other people’s dis-ease, becoming depleted and even unwell yourself.

Your role as a healer is to bring a loving and calming presence to the world. Whether or not you are aware of it, you carry the potential to bring healing to situations that contemporary curative methods cannot reach. Life has so many dimensions to it, and illnesses can attach themselves to us in numerous ways. It is possible you do not recognize what it is that happens through you, but often you will be aware of the changes that have transpired after your involvement.

With your Conscious Sun in Gate 46, you have an extraordinary way of touching life and other people. You have a deep love for life and a profound connection to it through the physical body. People are drawn to you without really knowing why, and it is up to you to know whether or not to engage with them. There is no need to be ashamed of or overly guarded about your innocent qualities, for they allow others to be more open and relaxed around you. The power of love sparks the healing that courses through you, and it is the highest love, beyond the realms of human understanding, that heals everything.”

Read from The Book of Destinies by Chetan Parkyn

Media presence

Doing Business Your Way & Thriving with Ease

I was interviewed by awesome David Khan in his “Octave Leap” livestream about new business paradigm and shift of work.

Podcast Interview “The Curren-Sea of our new Businesses”

I was interviewed by Christine Pensa from “Awakened Women Self Care Podcast” about receiving paradigm and much more.

The “Care Economy” – Future of Work, Business & Value Exchange

I was interviewed by Ownstream to share my vision about the future of business and work paradigm shift.

You can watch full extensive interview here.

My personal career story

My interview on Lithuanian national TV. I was sharing my life story and the journey towards who I am. The conversation is in the Lithuanian language.

Our Capacity for Success Begins Within at Octave Leap

Join Elaira and Dave as we dive deep into the fascinating world of what makes us REALLY tick.

People who have influenced me & contributed in shaping my work

Oracle Girl – Jacqueline Hobbs

Holistic Life Navigation with Luis Mojica

Xavier Dagba

Ana Kinkela