My journey behind the scenes and the truth regarding launches

by | Aug 6, 2023 | Blog, Business & entrepreneurship (blog)


In my experience, every launch is an initiation process. 
It’s almost like a statement to the universe – this is the topic where I will dive into even deeper purification.

I’ve had all kinds of launches until now: playfully easeful and joyful, deeply purifying and dropping me on my knees, unlocking my gifts that I didn’t know existed, bringing me to the most powerful inner peace and fears of my life.I am always invited to deepen, to dive and integrate different angles on the topics I am launching. You probably already know that if you went through some launches yourself. Do you relate to that?

My current launch journey was nothing like I had planned for.

And I will be honest, this time the launch hit me really hard, it took all of me to get off the ground. 

It really pushed me to my edges, to the point I even considered cancelling several times, but this program was a very clear sign that I shouldn’t do that. I’ve already learnt to trust that voice…

During the launch the team changed completely and there were 2 launching plans that just didn’t happen at all. As well as this, I had a strong physical purification where I felt kind of sick and tired. Like that wasn’t enough, I also went through a deep identity death and rebirth process. 

I was invited to surrender, drop any control or places I don’t feel natural, be humble, learn to deeply listen to WHAT IS and WANTS TO EMERGE NOW. I really embraced the fact and learnt to work with the state I am in and the resources I have in the moment.

In the end, this experience pushed me to the next level of ease, upgraded capacity to hold it all and trust in the process. And last but not least, it strengthened my devotion to my business and the offers.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because so many of my clients, colleagues and business owners have these experiences but don’t talk about it. So many launch programs and are vulnerably scared if anyone will join, will it work, will it be a success?… I notice there is so much hiding, pretending, trying to be polished, being the authority, “business like” or rebelling it all to another side of the extreme but then don’t show up at all.

I want to burst the perception that you have to be only good vibes, know-it-all expert, and be fully 100% ready before you launch. And you know what? You don’t even have to wait for the “I feel like the Goddess or Queen” mode or “Tony Robbins pumped up” kind of energy.

You just need to show up in the world with your medicine and it doesn’t even have to be perfect, you can figure things out and adjust along the way. It’s impossible to figure it all out at once and sometimes things go the way you want them to, just like nature does… 

You just need to deeply listen, be present and allow yourself to be a HUMAN in this human experience.

I am paradigm shifter, rebel, visionary, seer with extrasensory abilities, healer of old & architect of new business approach, trauma informed somatic & nervous system mentor, capacity based business growth creator and pioneer of the soft power & gentle leadership movement.

I’m obsessed about self-tenderness, hands-on embodiment of our multidimensional nature, and exploring how we can support our bodies in feeling safe to ground this experience. I’m devoted to preserving our innocence, purity, caring hearts, and wonder.

My life’s work focuses on grounding our innate goodness and potential through business—and even more importantly, learning to do so with ease, natural flow, deeper intimacy and life’s delightful joys.

Inner work is probably one of the most challenging works you will ever do in your life but it’s the most rewarding one. My professional life journey contains certified psychology degrees and about 18 years’ professional experience in talent development, building businesses, and various Human Resources positions. In all of these capacities, my favorite work has always been having powerful conversations that help people go deeper, connect with their truth, challenge their perspectives and unleash their innate potential.

Because if you are not being who you are, who are you being?

I share insights and discoveries from my own journeys but as well from people I support and help to grow. I hope you enjoy this “Caffeine for Soul” blog and it gives you some food for thought.