Today, I woke up with the sun shining and suddenly the entire world felt unusual. I was the same; yet, non-identical, and everything was pulsing differently. As I walked to my coffee machine, pressed the button and began my usual morning routine, something felt incompatible. It was like the world had a secret. The air felt exciting and uplifting, and everything was breathing with me a new wind of change. All things were anticipating and welcoming this unknown chapter in my life.
‘It’s strange,’ – I thought to myself – ‘I secretly dreamt of and imagined this chapter in every free minute of my life for a while now. It shouldn’t be a surprise.’ But somehow it still was… For just like that, I awoke and felt like I had shifted into a new reality. And with it, I felt a change in everything around me and within my body – every molecule; every cell.
Recently, I quit my job and paused my long, and very successful, career in Human Resources. Perhaps strange, and probably uncommon, because nothing was wrong with it. On the contrary. I learned a lot, gained immense wisdom, and was profoundly shaped by it. I feel very grateful for that path and while it was not always easy, I wouldn’t have changed it. My jobs were my dream jobs in specific periods of my life.
But, suddenly I realized it was not my path anymore…
I quit because, in my heart, it felt complete. This path no longer made my soul sparkle and, as such, it no longer felt authentically me. And just like that I jumped into the unknown because that meant choosing my truer self.
I am not super clear into what I am really jumping. But still, I choose a path less walked and less secure, over a predictable and comfortable one, because there is that very strong, inexplicable knowing in my heart that this is the right thing to do. And to that, I must listen.
I choose a path less walked and less secure, over a predictable and comfortable one, because there is that very strong, inexplicable knowing in my heart that this is the right thing to do. And to that, I must listen..
And of course my mind went bananas! The moment I allowed this crazy idea into my head: to start my own business as a Personal Development Coach, I became confused and totally freaked out. ‘It doesn’t make sense. It’s not logical. It’s risky and totally insane! You are alone in a foreign country and with a language you still don’t really speak. And how about financial stability! You currently have a great job. What if you fail! How will you get up from that? Are you sure you want to lose control over your stable life? And you haven’t explored yourself as an entrepreneur. Do you even have enough experience to be a good coach? It will require you to be vulnerable… to the world. Do you really want to risk it all?’
And so on, and so on…
So I sat down with all of my fears, doubts and worries. I wrote each one down and gave them space, truly listening to their concerns in the kindest way I knew. After everything was voiced, I realized that it was not the future I was afraid of; nor was it the unknown or the less-walked path. It was the fear of the past repeating itself. My mind was simply trying to keep me safe from harm. Which, I get; that inner girl has been through a lot. My mind, and all of its fears, doubts and worries, were an attempt to protect and serve, like a real body guard. Isn’t this always what our mind does in times of change – attempt to protect us from harm?
I realized that it was not the future I was afraid of; nor was it the unknown or the less-walked path. It was the fear of the past repeating itself.
When you are operating as a mind, trusting your soul requires immense courage. We must help our mind learn to become a true partner of the soul, versus a warrior.
While it may sound easy in my blog, it has been more emotional than I thought. This journey has touched me to my core because I am not just letting go of a job. I am also letting go of a life-defined definition of career, and part of my identity and the stories and beliefs that go along with it…
I am not just letting go of a job. I am also letting go of a life-defined definition of career, and part of my identity and the stories and beliefs that go along with it…
As I hold that morning coffee cup with both hands, I notice how the warmth of the coffee expands to my body, filling the new spaces I have just opened up. It feels so spacious, so big and unlimited. It feels full of possibilities. I think, ‘Where do I even start?’
I finish my coffee and suddenly I know…It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
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