Welcome to the membership gift 2024

I don’t work with fixed prices. I open my heart, I trust you and your integrity to send me your heart appreciation that feels right.

“Welcome to my sanctuary, so you can find your very own”.


You will receive 5 tracks to deepen connection & expansion with yourself and your business.

  1. Connect with your business.
  2. How body informs you.
  3. Release. Surrender. Trust.
  4. Restoring boundaries & safety.
  5. Stepping in a bigger version of you.


They are very powerful, high frequency, healing, activating and exclusive. Also, among one of the most listened and popular in the community. This is one time offer and those tracks usually are available only as part of my wholistic longer term programs. I hope they will support you as they did me and my dearest clients.

You can enter zero or donate any other amount.